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AnonymousBibliography | Riseup Pad Uncategorized
Anonymous Bibliography
Version 732 Saved November 13, 2016
Authors: 3 unnamed authors (     )
Bibliography on Anonymous
English language: 
Bernstein, Michael S, Andrés Monroy-Hernández, Drew Harry, Paul André, KatrinaPanovich, and Gregory G Vargas. 2011. 4chan and /b/: An Analysis ofAnonymity and Ephemerality in a Large Online Community. Paper read atICWSM. 
—> How 4chan’s /b/ community can exist despite anonymity and extremely ephemeral content.                               
Beyer, Jessica Lucia. 2014. Expect us : online communities and politicalmobilization: Oxford University Press.
—> comparative analysis of four online communities: 4chan, The Pirate Bay, World of Warcraft, IGN.com. She examines features that can explain why political mobilisation emerges from some communities but not others.                 
Coleman, Gabriella. 2012. “Our Weirdness Is Free, The logic of Anonymous—online army, agent of chaos, and seeker of justice.” Triple Canopy no. 15.
—> holistic description                                                                                                                                                 
Coleman, Gabriella. 2013a. “Anonymous and the Politics of Leaking.” In BeyondWikiLeaks: Implications for the Future of Communications, Journalism &Society, edited by B. Brevini, A. Hintz and P. McCurdy. Palgrave McMillan.
—>   Coleman considers the tension between Anonymous’ anti-celebrity ethics and its visibility in the media. She also describes tensions between the ideal of equalitarianism and the reality of the distribution of power.                                           
Coleman, Gabriella. 2014. Hacker, hoaxer, whistleblower, spy : the many faces of Anonymous. London, New York: Verso.
—> Popular ethnography   
Coleman, Gabriella, and Michael Ralph. 2011. “Is it a crime? The transgressnivepolitics of hacking in Anonymous.” Social Text no. 28:2011.
—>   Answer to an article of the Financial Times which alledgedly gives a skewed image of Anonymous 
Deseriis, Marco. 2013. “Is Anonymous a New Form of Luddism? A Comparative Analysis of Industrial Machine Breaking, Computer Hacking, and Related Rhetorical Strategies.” Radical History Review no. 117:33-48.  
—> Critical comparison between Anonymous and Luddists, who both use ‘improper names’
Fitri, Nofia. 2011. “Democracy Discourses through the Internet Communication: Understanding the Hacktivism for the Global Changing.” Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies no. 1 (2).      
—> discusses the impact of Anonymous and other hack-tivist movements on global politics and democracy. She concludes that hack-tivism is a movement that promotes democracy and human rights.
Firer-Blaess, Sylvain. 2016. The Collective Identity of Anonymous. Web of Meanings in a Digitally Enabled Movement. Uppsala Studies in Media and Communication 12. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 
–> PhD thesis. Analysis of the collective identity of Anonymous, based on a counterculture of offense, a personification into trickster and hero archetypes, self-management, ethics of anonymity and self-effacement, and universality and inclusiveness
Fish, A.R., Follis, L. 06/2016 Gagged and doxed: Hacktivism’s self-incrimination complex In: International Journal of Communication. 10, p. 1-20. 20    
Fish, A.R. 18/01/2016 Mirroring the videos of Anonymous: cloud activism, living networks, and political mimesis In: The Fibreculture Journal. 26, 191                                            
Fuchs, Christian. 2013. “The Anonymous movement in the context of liberalism and socialism.” A journal for and about social movements no. 5 (2):345-376.
—> Analysed 67 YouTube videos to appreciate the political ideology of Anonymous. both liberal and socialist worldviewsare present, though liberalism has the upper hand
Gekker, Alex. 2011. “Legionnaires of Chaos: ‘Anonymous’ and governmentaloversight of the Internet.” Journal of Network Theory no. 7 (2):39.
—> looks at Anonymous’ political effect. The actions of Anonymous can be detrimental to freedom of information due to the reaction of nation states.
Klein, Adam G. 2015. “Vigilante Media: Unveiling Anonymous and the Hacktivist Persona in the Global Press.” Communication Monographs no. 82 (3):379-401. 
—> Examines thereception of Anonymous in the press. After analysing 200 articles in 10countries, he finds that Anonymous is mostly framed as a group of malicious pranksters, even though more than 80% of their actions have been motivatedby political causes.
McDonald, Kevin. 2015. “From Indymedia to Anonymous: rethinking action andidentity in digital cultures.” Information, Communication & Society no. 18(8):968-982.
 –> Anonymous’ original practices  such as masking,the ephemeral and the grotesque, call for new models of understanding of collective action.                                                
Milan, Stefania. 2013b. “WikiLeaks, Anonymous, and the Exercise of Individuality:Protesting in the Cloud.” In Beyond Wikileaks: Implications for the Future ofCommunications, Journalism and Society, edited by Benedetta Brevini, Arne Hintz and Patrick McCurdy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.  
—> Anonymous is an example of a new form of social movement organisation that she calls ‘cloud protesting’.
Mitchell, Liam. 2013. “”Because none of us are as cruel as all of us”: Anonymityand Subjectivation.” CTHEORY
—> uses the case of Anonymous trolls to give a reflection on subjectivation (as in subjection to norms) and on performativity.                                                       
Olson, Parmy. 2012. We are Anonymous : inside the hacker world of Lulzsec,Anonymous, and the global cyber insurgency. 1st ed. New York: Little, Brownand Co. 
—> Journalistic work
Pendergrass, William Stanley. 2013. What is Anonymous?: A case study of an information systems hacker “activist” collective movement, School of Communications and Information Systems, Robert Morris University.
—> PhD thesis. Comprehensive chronology of Anonymous up to the year 2013
Sauter, Molly. 2013. ““LOIC Will Tear Us Apart” The Impact of Tool Design andMedia Portrayals in the Success of Activist DDOS Attacks.”AmericanBehavioral Scientist no. 57 (7)
—> studies Anonymous’ DDoS attacks, their meanings and place within the history of hacktivism. DDoS developed “from an action-oriented tactic to anattention-oriented tactic” 
Underwood, Patrick, and Howard T Welser. 2011. ‘The internet is here’: emergentcoordination and innovation of protest forms in digital culture. Paper read at the 2011 iConference.
—> describe the organisation of Anonymous during Project Chanology. 
Italian language: 
Frediani, Carola. 2014, Deep Web – La rete oltre Google – Personaggi, storie e luoghi dell’internet profonda


Source: AnonymousBibliography | Riseup Pad

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