Is Public Debate of Trade Agreements Against the Public Interest?
Posted by timothy on Sunday November 02, 2014 @03:28PM
from the you-can-discuss-it-afterwards dept.
onproton writes The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), currently being negotiated in secret, has been subject to numerous draft leaks that indicate these talks are potentially harmful to everything from public health to internet freedom. So why isn’t the public involved, and why are the terms of the agreement being debated behind closed doors? According to New Zealand’s current Trade Minister, Tim Groser, full disclosure of what is being discussed would likely lead to “public debate on an ill-informed basis before the deal has been done.” Leaving one to question how revealing the full context and scope of the agreement talks would lead to an increase in misinformation rather than clarity.
via Is Public Debate of Trade Agreements Against the Public Interest? – Slashdot.
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