2024-09-09 16:06:20
Interviews with E-Book-Pirates: “The book publishing industry is repeating the same mistakes of the music industry” books/data sovereignty/middlemen/politics/Scrapbook

netzpolitik.org: Are you breaking any laws?

Jotunbane: Several 🙂

netzpolitik.org: Do you care? Why (not)?

Jotunbane: Sure I care. But what can I do? The laws are wrong on several different levels (the copyright monopoly have been extended 16 times in my lifetime alone, and will continue to be extended every time Mickey Mouse is getting close to the public domain). There will always be consequences when you decide to break the law and the risk of punishment is clearly part of the equation. Under US law I could get fined $150.000 for each infringement, but this is not a question of money, it’s a question of doing the right thing. Sharing is caring, so of course I care.


Interviews with E-Book-Pirates: “The book publishing industry is repeating the same mistakes of the music industry”.


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