2024-04-20 04:04:07
02.24.2011. Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary Talks, interviews

I can say by now that I am a regular invitee to the monthly club of the Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary where current engineering issues are discussed from the fields of infocommunications, telecommunications, computer science. I am thankful for the organizers that they realized that many of the topics they struggle with have important non-engineering aspects as well, and frequently invite people to talk form the social sciences, cultural studies, law, etc. The topic in February was trolling and moderation, I was talking about the role of anonimity in the digital age.

Szabadság, autonómia és szuverenitásLassan rendszeres vendéggé válok a Hírközlési és Informatikai Tudományos Egyesület (HTE) Távközlési Szakosztálya (TSzO) által szervezett távközlési klubokon. A februári téma a trollkodás volt, én az anonimitás jelentőségéről beszéltem.

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