That’s pretty much my view, too. DVDs (mentioned in the note at the start) became a big boon for the studios, once their crazy ideas about self-destructing Divx discs went the way of the Dodo. The studios have a very long history of betting against technology people want, and on technology people don’t want. This is just another such case. The technology people want always wins in the end — no duh — and usually benefits the businesses who fought that technology to the death. Here’s hoping the technology people want — Boxee — doesn’t wind up benefiting the studios fighting it now.
[…] bodo wrote an interesting post today on warsystems » Huluâ
Ila21Joyce — November 25, 2010 @ 2:34 pmI had a desire to start my own organization, but I didn’t have enough amount of money to do it. Thank God my close dude suggested to take the mortgage loans. Thus I used the college loan and realized my desire.
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