2024-09-11 00:52:56
Norvegian opposition party is ready to free file-sharing politics

In February 2005 Venstre and its coalition partner, The Conservartive
Party, got reelected. Since the 2001 election Venstre has been the
largest party represented in the Danish Parliament. Venstre holds 12 of
the 19 government offices in the current government.

Sorry, for spreading the misinformation. Thx. for the commenters.

Culture wants to be free! — Unge Venstre

The Norvegian Liberal Party (Venstre) Congress states that today’s legal frameworks for copyrights are not adapted to a modern society. The balance between consumer demands, a society’s need for openness and access to culture, and the artists’ right to revenue and attribution, must improve.

The Liberal Party wants to reinstate the balance in copyright law through these following changes:

  • Free file sharing
  • Free sampling
  • Shorter commercial copyright life span
  • Ban DRM
Mike Linksvayer — April 16, 2007 @ 10:30 pm

Since the 2001 election Venstre has been the
largest party represented in the Danish Parliament. Venstre holds 12 of
the 19 government offices in the current government.

That’s the Danish Venstre. The youth wing of the Norwegian Venstre published the free culture document. Unfortunately the Norway party only came in sixth last election.

Very nice document, though unfortunately less significant than I had hoped upon first reading this post!

bani — April 17, 2007 @ 12:13 pm

Venstre is not in the government. it’s an old social-liberal party that at the last elections got 6% (=10 seats) and is currently in opposition. see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venstre_%28Norway%29

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